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An image of Charlotte May, a woman with red curly hair and a black top smiling at the camera with a colourful bookcase behind her

Hello, I'm Charlotte

I help leaders who have risen in their careers into Head of Department or team-leading roles but haven't been given the time or support they need to develop their authentic leadership style.


I help them overcome self-doubt and step out of the day-to-day to become leaders others want to follow, running teams that are thriving even if they are not fully staffed or haven't worked together for long.

I believe that everyone has the potential to be a great leader

Having worked in the Marketing and Advertising industry for over a decade, I have seen firsthand the impact of great leaders and what happens when it is missing. During my time in media agencies, I reached burnout (not that I knew that's what it was called at the time).

This was a part of the culture at the time. It felt inevitable, almost like a right of passage we all went through at some point working in an agency. We were told to put the client's needs first and get on with it, so I did, staying late to finish presentations, saying yes to too many tasks, and ignoring my body's warning signs.


 The leaders of my team did their best but they were being pulled in all directions and putting out fires. They were not equipped to build a sustainable and rewarding work environment where the team could thrive.

This was when I first experienced coaching and it completely changed my perspective. I set boundaries, took ownership of my situation and made the changes I needed to get back to feeling fulfilled at work. 


This inspired me to train as a coach as I knew I wanted to help others in a similar position. I set up my business in 2021 and I now help leaders get the best out of themselves and their teams in a way that is sustainable and makes everyone happier to come to work.

 I was pushing myself too hard and taking on more and more work, only stopping when I was physically unable to carry on.

Does this sound familiar? if so, I can help you

Connect with me

I love talking to leaders about their experiences, challenges and how they have an impact at work.

If you are interested in having a free intro call to get to know each other and talk more about how I can help, send me a note here and I'll be in touch

Connect with me on Linkedin

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